Starlite Car Cruise 2010

I’m gonna try to make it there on the 18th.

Will be there for sure.

with your Holden?


Olds/Buick/Caddy nite this Friday…

Featured Club: Allegheny Rockets Oldsmobile Club

Dash Plaques to the first 300 cars

Who’s all going?

I’m planning to be there in the GTO. Gonna head out early.

Jodie and I should be up… She actually suggested it so I have to take advantage of that.

I had the rx7 there till about 6. I was hoping RPM brought their GTM; It’s the car I want to do next so I like looking at it. Their chevelle is pretty sick… I’m amazed the detail that goes into their cars, but I also don’t know how they make money/stay in business. I can’t imagine what it would cost to have them do a car like that.

I got there around 4pm with the GTO and stayed until 8-8:30. Great turnout and some nice cars. Gerri Kerna’s Chevy II @ the RPM tent was pretty sweet. Also Terk’s quad turbo’d '32 was neat.

Cancelled already for tonight…

From their web site:

Sorry to report that due to some very serious weather being predicted for Friday afternoon and evening, The Wexford Starlite Car Cruise for Friday, July 9th has been canceled. The possibility of severe lightning storms through the afternoon puts our set up crew in harm’s way and has prompted this early decision. We hope to see everyone next Friday July 16th for Mustang Night.
Jim Zufall

That sucks…

It because I am unable to attend the starlilte cruise…God is weeping

Damn I had a night without my girl around. Anything else going on?

made it out once this year and it ended up costing me around 1800$ bike was damaged by someone there letting there kid stand on the seat for pictures wile i was looking at my buddys car. aparently the people working thought it would be ok to let a a kid stand on a 700$ custome seat and a hand made tank


Those people aren’t paid and are not security guards, perhaps you should blame the parents for not having a little common sense?

people that where around told me the guy working said it would be fine to do. and what does pay have to do with anything? because they work for free its ok to ruin some one elses belongings??? the cop that was there told me i could have made the church pay for it but im not that type of person took it on the chin and will never go back

The volunteers are busy people and I highly doubt somebody told them it would be fine to let their kid stand on your shit. If they did I would suggest sending an email to the organizers with a complaint about the volunteers that night and maybe they could get to the bottom of it.

I highly doubt anybody could be held responsible other then the parents of the kid.

Sorry to hear your ride was damaged.

Sadly, the cop misinformed you…

It specifically states in the rules that the church is not responsible for any damages that may occur to your vehicle at the cruise. It’s the same thing when you park in the parking lot of a department store. All car cruises and car shows are like this. Enter at your own risk. If you have a high-caliber car or bike and are worried about even the smallest mishaps, I would not leave it unattended.

Pics of said $1800 fuck up?

If you know what everyone said and how exactly he happend, you must have been in the proximity to hear, why didnt you just tell them yourself not to.

I really wouldnt belive what random people said…

what he said /\

and curious to see the $1800 fuck up - before and after no less

That cruise has exploded and is damn near impossible for them to completely police/monitor/watch everyone and their cars. The people who are most concerned about their cars never leave the car’s side (without leaving someone behind to watch it) and with that said… I volunteered and helped one summer 6 yrs ago (when they broke 1,000 cars for the first time and couldn’t believe it) and know from the people volunteering their time - not a single one would encourage anything of the sort. Most of the volunteers are extremely car related. Bill Hahn who does concours quality restorations is the first who comes to mind, but there are other shop owners, mechanics, their wives and good people who are really into cars. Not one person did I meet and think they would remotely suggest or even hint that it was okay for a stranger to lean on someone else car, let alone put a child on a bike. When bike owners have offered to let me put my kids on their bikes, I normally turn it down because it’s not worth the possible risk…