Start practicing "duck and cover"

Condie is a winner!

"Such comments “border on the bizarre frankly,” Rice said, speaking to reporters traveling with her in Warsaw.

“When you threaten Poland, you perhaps forget that it is not 1988,” Rice said. “It’s 2008 and the United States has a … firm treaty guarantee to defend Poland’s territory as if it was the territory of the United States. So it’s probably not wise to throw these threats around”

Nothing makes the russkies feel at ease like “We consider Poland and the other Western European countries our territories”.


flawless victory, I’d give you karma if I could

only if they play the spice girls

NATO, Article 5…

The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all and consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defence recognised by Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area.
Any such armed attack and all measures taken as a result thereof shall immediately be reported to the Security Council. Such measures shall be terminated when the Security Council has taken the measures necessary to restore and maintain international peace and security .

That’s all she’s saying. An attack on Poland is an attack on the US, and everyone else in NATO.

That’s why Russia will not touch Poland.

I have faith this can go back on topic. :wink:

This is just like old times. Except now we have lasers!



I understand the concept of NATO, however in the current climate, unless that was the intention, using the term “territory of our own” instead of “We are just fulfilling our pact with our ally” or words to the effect goes to show either:

A) She intended to poke the bee hive
B) She can’t control her words and realize the global ramifications of being a mouth piece for the US

Its the “being diplomatic” thing that she’s supposed to do in her role.

i think condi did fine with what she said

+1. “…defend Poland’s territory as if it was the territory of the United States” tells Russia in very clear terms that an attack on Poland is an attack on the US. It’s a much stronger wording than, “blah blah blah fufulling our contractual obligations of NATO blah blah”.

It also shows Poland that we aren’t going to hang them out to dry on this.

+karma for being dead accurate…

A few things, I am not here to be a dick head at people and I was simply giving you relevant information when you made attacks toward me, just to be clear. Since you are so interested in my career I will go more in depth for you. I did go to college and have a degree thank you very much. I also attend class while in the military and will have my second degree after this semester. I joined simply for the life experiences. I am sorry you have such a low opinion of the troops and I will say people join from many different backgrounds and not all of them are the greatest. As a NCO I try my best to help these people better themselves in many ways that will help them and the military. For many all they need is some proper guidance but it does not work in all cases. Glorified infantry? LOL I am a part of the smallest branch of the Army man. You should try to get better insults and this attitude is not going to take you very far. In fact I even apologize for retaliating to your response earlier I would like to think I am above that level of thinking and dealing with problems.

Naw not in the mood. His outlooks and apparent way of dealing with things is enough for me.



rant would’ve been far more entertaining for me.


W O W…

im just sayin well whatever happens happens…

I have had too much sex and booze in the last week to be bothered enough to rant for at least a few weeks. :ohyeah:

you shouldnt be surprised to know that i do not care. I also don’t care that the US massacred Iraqi’s, i won’t care when the US massacre’s Iran.

Russia ain’t doing shit, the US military will fuck them up so bad… China too, both at the same time… whatever… the US got that shit on lock nigga… swear to god, word is life.

all i have to say is:

fuck the world. they can eat depreciating dollars until they shit green ink.

My beef is dishonesty. If Bush got everyone in the US together and splayed it out like:

"aight fuckas, we dont kill these towel heads and take their oil then we is fucked. plus we need to build a base upon which to launch our attack on Iraq so we can take their oil. Fuck China and Russia, nigga’s is trippin.

The reason we need they’s oil is because the value of our dollar is directly tied to it. If Iran accepts Euro’s all other nations spit their dollars back into the market and we have to play some serious trickery to keep the value at reasonable levels to prevent depression.

we don’t give a shit about Georgie but if it allows us to reduce sympathy for Russia and give us advantageous military positioning then we’re there-bro like a mutha fucking scarecrow."

I also don’t give two shits about what happens to the US soldiers who think they’re fighting for freedom. It’s a job. You get paid to kill people. If you die stfu, shoulda been a banker.

Fuck a coldwar. The US is has such a retardedly killer military that if the next 10 biggest militaries in the world went to battle with the US the US would still win. some of you guys might die, but the Imperialist state will stand.

I’ll be fine and will buy up some sweet real estate on the coast in VA.

cougarspeed is wicked.

only way he gets wickeder is by going over seas, racking up massive kills… +++ points for killing with knives or proof of killing women, children and babies then coming back and not being shy about how cool it was to kill without consequence.

edit x 2

if he comes back and becomes a contractor for Blackwater and goes into American cities to disarm his peers with a glowing smile on his face while they face imminent danger due to government oversight… that shit would make him way more wicked.

he could run for pres. after that.

weaksauce. I expected more actual content.


lol <3

Its the end of the World as we know it and I feel fineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

You expected different? Look at all the wars/conflict we’ve had in the past 100 years.

History always repeats itself.