Start your ebay business from me now and make mad loot!!

can i ask how you think its alot? Didnt you make a thread a while back interested in investing in silver?? While dumb people are collecting gold/silver bullion thats only worth the scrap value and will ALWAYS only be worth the scrap value SMART people are investing in actual jewelry that sells for double to triple, hence how jewelry stores make bank… This silver if you melted it into a bar right now, is worth $6,500, as jewelry, these charms can retail for over $50,000… I have $6,200 into them to be exact with only a $300 profit in mind… precious metals are the main part of my business and I pay VERY high for them.

I can find you vending machines cheap, but you WILL loose your fucking balls.

probably 4,000+ charms as a rough guess?
and what you do is list whats called a “dutch auction” a dutch auction is where you list 1 item that you have a TON of ONCE and individual people just buy and buy and buy. Yes, there is 10-15 different kind of charms split up by how many charms i guessed total.

ebay fees are maybe $0.10 per charm and a stamp is your shipping.

thought we had some wise business men in here, guess not :confused: