Start your ebay business from me now and make mad loot!!

I’m just an asshole with no money lol

i bet you would still be a asshole with money lol

I never knew the origins of these two sayings, cool info. Knowledge is power.

shit like this always interests me lol… Such a small investment, product has to be DIRT cheap, not complicated and can be a 1 man thing…

I dont see how someone couldnt make $300-500 a day in the summer with this thing.

a lot of money in insurance and permits/licensing and whatnot I would imagine

i feel like you could get away with almost all of that without any problems… plain commercial vehicle insurance and a DBA and I bet you could go a long time without anyone saying anything.

I should have noted that I know exactly fuck all about business at any level. lol

Hey Benny, if you need any charms let me know…


ok thanks