So I started my coop back up at US Airways and I find they put me in a cube that basically was just used to throw junk in which has 3 old ibm computers that have an actual lever to turn them on, my computer is running on windows 95 and doesnt have most of the software I need my email isnt set up yet, and I dont have access to anything. SO pretty much I have to sit here and look at the internet until hopefully everthing gets straightened out on monday!!!

Milton FTW! better hide your stapler
yeah i sent you a test email this morning to see if we could re-include you to the email group, but i guess not.
PS Cubes next to windows are nice. Even though its raining outside.
PSS Running Windows XP is nice.
PSSS Running windows XP on a new Dell with a 19" screen is nice.
PSSSS not having the name brian is nice
better get him windows XP before he goes off and kills himself.
Silly emo kids.
Windows XP HA! Im just hoping they can upgrade me to windows NT, oh and I do have a 21 inch monitor tho!
you could work on your coop paper you idiot.