Those greedy motherfuckers ive given them almost everything and they fuckin canned 10 of us today with no fuckin warning we punched in and pulled us into the office and told us we had thirty minutes to clean up are belongings and escorted us out of the building :wtf:

So if anyone is hiring please let me know i got bills to pay thanks Paul
412 277 0548

wtf? thats really bad man… are you able to get unemployment?

sorry to here,now u can help jeff more!:smiley:

They had to make you guys come in just to leave? They couldn’t have told you at the end of the last day you worked? Damn. Sorry to hear that.

sorry to here that. i know there hiring ppl at my work but its not the greatest pay and i dout youd want the job

Fedex in neville is hiring. Sears in ross.:dunno:

apply for unemployment and be part of the couch crew forawhile…
sorry to hear that

in all honest for right now go apply at advanced up the road from jeffs

my buddy i work with got a part time job there… said its easy and pay isnt that bad for standing around selling parts looking at magizines

and hell learning a lil bit about differnt cars…

thats what I was thinking too more help on the pinks project
but sorry to hear that

fedex at NI is always hiring.

A: Shitty place to work?
B: Too hard

I think you work part time only early as hell in the morning not to mention A and B:jerkit:

Look into unemployment first…and if the pay is pathetic then I am pretty sure we are hiring at my work. I am right on bus 60 on the corner of university blvd. We are hiring for an help in out mail room and help with various other tasks. PM me for a few more details if you are interested. Pay should be in the 10-11/hour range I think…not sure though.

Pm Sent

fed ex in neville island is def. hiring, especially for the night shift (10pm to 2-3am) You have to go there and apply on the computer…it’s takes a while to get in but once you do its not bad at all

You can come cut my grass and wash my cars for me. You can keep the change you find in the seats.

only some fag from usc would say something like that.

unenjoyment FTW

Watch yourself son, reading owns you. It’s Upper St. Elliott, which is nowhere near Upper St. Clair… joke for the hood that I live in.

:beer: :sex: