Starting a new clothing company

Maybe its way over my head, but for us retards WTF is Kinsella???


ohh stfu

He is kinsella.

i know right? the kid trys to act like he knows. he dosen’t know shit. trying to be kinsella. he dosen’t even know kinsella.

WTF IS KINSELLA??? I so lost.

don’t worry about it kid. you have ALOT of growing up to do.

“KID” im 28, so what the fuck is what all this secrect Kinsella gay talk?
is this what you speak of

Snails = kinsella
to the effect
Minglor = Mingle

^ that was a real brain buster to type out, glad we could all be bothered to do so.


don’t bother, you’ll never know.

I just wanted to let you guys know this thread sucks and I want my time back

I don’t know whats more disturbing. The fact that someone made shorts out of my first grade teacher’s dress, or the fact that they are sold out.

digitalgravel isn’t the flyest spot on the planet by any means, it’s blown up already. they do carry a lot of good brands though. i bet i can walk into your favorite store and pick out some lame shit too, especially if you shop at target like half the motherfuckers around here.

better than wal mart

lol at the possible drama that unfolded at my own grad party.

how was i the only one that left with a fat lip?

ell oh motherfucking ell.

You seem so offended. I just found it amazing that people would buy that shit.
And while I don’t shop at Target, I do try to stay away from logos and trendy bullshit that will be played out the next year. Traditional, plain, adult is how I roll. I guess I’m just boring because I don’t wear couch fabric for my shorts and my hat.

Also sold out…wtf?

Understandable. I prefer to wear underground lines that are artist driven as well, and I stay away from shit that’s going to be played out next year as well. I prefer to have a style of my own which is why I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone wear something I’m wearing. Glad we agree on something here. And no I wasn’t offended at the least, I don’t get offended much.

Ok BAPE is already played out, you need to get OG and start your own shit.