State forces drivers to buy new plates

i have been thinking and living in NY doesnt make much sense for me in NY. we have high taxes here for a reason, they go to lots of different services the state provides. i need to move where they dont have that shit, like new hampshire or something. at this point in my life, i dont care that the neighborhood where i live has a good school(i do no go to school, nor do i have kids that go), i am not in college right now, so i dont care to pay taxes that go to colleges and universities for subsidies and grants and scholarships there. i do NOT need to be paying for all this extra stuff that other people NEED. I just want to NOT give up half my goddamn paycheck in taxes that go to things that do not benefit me personally.

Well if I dont sell my car Ill be set then cause I just renewed the registration for 2 years:rofl

afterward theyll still make you pay, man. unless that petition ppl have been signing actually does somewhere. we’re all paying for new ugly ass plates.

Well I meant set as in I dont have to pay for it anytime soon. I know theres petitions at basicallyy every single DMV to stop this, doubt itll work though.

Ahh but you see the stuff in my life that I would call unfair are caused my my actions. Because I buy a lotto ticket and don’t win, life isn’t fair I agree i bought it and tried to win a million bucks. I drive like a retard and crash my car and get hurt, Life isn’t fair I brought it upon myself. If I do good at my job, and dont have any reason to get fired but get fired because the company sucks and make bad decisions, I didn’t bring it upon myself so it isn’t too bad ohh well thats life. NO, I get unemployment and severance… why because it was their mistakes and they have to pay for them. Same far stretched idea I am stating. It isn’t my fault the state buys stupid shit they or WE dont need, it isnt my fault they bought hookers with our money for their pleasure, it isn’t my fault they give the lazy fuck sitting next to me a job here… so why do I have to sacrifice my bottle of vodka and a cigar for them? When I make a mistake I pay for it, i don’t ask for charity or trick people into paying for my mistakes.

NY needs to man up. bottom line.

Without bitching and moaning there would be history changing events. Too bad I am just a 26 year old kid trying to pay bills and don’t have a leg to stand on to make a difference. I can or the 100 people on shift can vote all they want to get someone other than a blind (more ways than one), self centered, ignorant MISTAKE into power. It wont happen. People are tied into gov before the vote, voting sucks, there would be better off raffling off a position of power. Because even if you vote for the best person EVER to come to power… they still listen to their “friends” in power, the people that hand them money from who knows where, their corrupt PR people that we dont elect, the groups of people bellow them that would kill the person with the finally word if it wasn’t what they wanted.

We dont elect the person making the decisions, we elect the voice that those decisions come from.

Good points, but there are other factors involved that are out of the states grasp, that have made times tough not only for NY but for many other states as well.

It is not the states fault (per say) that we are fighting a war on terror, or that the fed. government is on an uncontrolled spending spree right now. It is not entirely the states fault that our economy shit the bed. Get my point?

Are there things they could do to control spending, absolutely. Problem is, NYS is and for a very long time has been a Democratic state. That means, lots of dough go into programs such as welfare, medicaid, etc.

Want to NY to save a lot of money? Tell them to stop giving our money to the integrity/intellectually/fiscally challenged majority in this state. Let them bear the consequences of their actions. OMG did I just refer to self-responsibility??!?!

I totally hear you on the US Gov part too. It might be my ignorance in how this shit all works, (wait I am sure it is!), but it is the STATES debt, not the countries. If it isn’t all the state, then they can at least get allot closer to digging themselves out of the hole but simply not spending it on stupid shit. When I have 20$ left in my checking account, I don’t buy a rockstar drink on my way into work, and I dont buy a lotto ticket. Simply cut back spending. And look at what you REALLY need, put your money there. I know it is alot simpler in my head than what it really is, but sometimes even big business needs to step back at think realistically and go back to basics. I totally get your point.

I like the last 2 paragraphs you wrote too! It gave me an idea. Everyone from shift, when they go into the DMV to get the new stupid ass plates, should come up with a simple, realistic complaint about the situation we are in. Hand it to the clerk, and ask it to be presented to their manager. Their manager wont be able to give you an answer, so it will get escalated again. Then they wont be able to answer you, and it will continue up and up. until who knows maybe the gov will get it. If tons of people to this maybe we can make a point. It is such a far fetched idea, but simple in theory. I am not happy with the service I am being given I want to speak to the manager. All business entities must for fill that request.

Civil disobedience. we need more of it.