State forces drivers to buy new plates

Dont know if this has been posted yet or not, but Im seriously considering moving out of NY State…

NY State wants to put another dent in your wallet
Updated: Thursday, 06 Aug 2009, 12:44 PM EDT
Published : Tuesday, 04 Aug 2009, 4:53 PM EDT

Melissa Holmes
BUFFALO, N.Y. (WIVB) - New York State wants to put another dent in your wallet by forcing everyone to get new license plates. The mandatory change means the state will be getting more of your money.

Whether you’re getting a new car or not, come April you’ll be forced to buy new license plates at $25 a set. It’s $20 more to keep your same plate numbers. New York State’s budget crisis is to blame, and it will put $126 million dollars in the state’s coffers.

Erie County Clerk Kathy Hochul said, “I have a real problem with that. It’s a lot of money for the state that they’re collecting, but they’re taking it right out of our pockets.”

It’s $25 for one set of plates, but for a family with several vehicles, or a business with a fleet of vehicles, that $25 really adds up.

Hochul said, “We complain. We send letters and tell them we object to it. We’re told there’s a fiscal crisis and the state needs to collect the money.”

Most drivers News 4 spoke with at the Department of Motor Vehicles downtown had no idea that the next time they register their vehicle they’ll have to pay for the new plates, and they weren’t happy to hear it.

Dorothy Donaldson said, “I’ve been a New York State resident for 50 years, and I pay enough taxes, without adding more.”

Ray Eldridge said, “I’m on a fixed income and to have to pay more money for plates. It’s just not in my budget.”

Patty Ross said, “We don’t need as many politicians as we have, and I think they should be taking pay cuts instead of raising things for us.”

The state is also piling on more DMV fees. Starting in September, registration fees will increase 25 percent. On average, they’ll go from $44 to $55.

The price of your driver’s license is also going up 25 percent. An eight-year renewal used to cost $50. Now it will be $62.50. And teens who take a five-hour pre-licensing course or driver education will now have to pay $50 for a book that used to be free.

Hochul said, “I’ll tell you I think it’s wrong. At a personal level and as a government official, I think our taxpayers have paid enough.”

But they’ll continue to pay more.


Moving b/c you have to buy plates… sounds reasonable… :lol

Its not just that, but all the other rediculous taxes and B/S going on with this state…

This has been posted and discussed in the auto forum. But yeah, NYS is just trying to cover it’s budget.

Fucking unelected piece of shit governor.

If its been posted before, feel free to lock this one up then.

none the less… I am feelin the move also

:rofl troof!

have you guys SEEN the new plates? UGLY as shit! no design ideas went into those.

I like em’

The cost to live in this state is seriously getting rediculous and I honestly don’t see the benefits over say VT or a place with a warmer climate.

I have been considering moving as well. Places like NC or FL where I have friends living the cost of living is half what it is up here

I love movie.

FINALLY a win for KrazyKid…

I was going to be really pissed off that I needed to spend $45 to keep my vanity plate, but I just read this:

“Those motorists holding a personalized plate will automatically be re-issued the same number/letter combination on their new plate. Because they currently pay an annual personalized plate fee, they will not be required to pay the $20.00 fee.”

Sweet I only have to pay $20. But I heard that the new plates only hold 7 charactors, so I will be fucked casue mine is 8 long.

Dont get me wrong I fuckin hate this state just as much as the next, but I am not in a position to leave. I cant remember in the past when they changed the plates, didnt they just update you when you came into DMV, and then just give you a date that you had to come in and get updated by? did they charge in the past?

Reason being this is a perfect example of a Monopoly. You cant just crank the price on something that is NEEDED, and mandated by law to have just because you want money. And NY, dont try to hide it by saying it is for “public saftey” with the BS about the new reflective surface crap. Fuck you. You want to raise public safety, stop paying your worthless troopers money to sit on ass off the side of a road for hours on end each work week. Or better yet the tools that park side by side to talk to eachother. Do WORK, drive around and look for retards that I seem to see every day almost kill me on the road, go get them.


So what happens if we refuse and dont change our plates?

you get thunderfucked

I agree that it isn’t fair, but guess what? Life isn’t fair.

You can spend $25 at LVD three times a year, but some of you make it seem like an extra $25 to the state is going to break your wallet.

The state fucked up as far as the budget is concerned. But since OUR money is what runs the state, we need to make up for it. Instead of bitching and moaning about how it isn’t fair, move on, and be more decisive in who you elect next time around…

I don’t go to LVD because they charge so much.

This means 1 less cigar or bottle of vodka a year for me. Thats unreasonable

Well now that you put it that way…

you can NOT pay for the new plates, but the next time u register a car, it gets tacked on to the the registration.