State of Darkstar Address. Dont click this and then bitch about not caring.

Got laid off today at work. but in a good way. Since I told the owners of the hotel I was leaving they went about finding a replacement. They have a good applicant, so they told me that I can go on unemployment for the rest of the off season and still collect a check and not have to work so I can spend my time working on the business. I sent out some flyers about 2 weeks ago and I’ve got a couple hits already. A property management company asked for bids on 4 of their properties, and one condo association asked for a bid. So If they like the numbers or whatever I might have some clients very soon. Also talked to my best friend down here who’s dad owns a pool construction company in the next town over. He said that his dad got really pumped when he heard about what I was doing and he thinks that he’ll be able to subcontract out a lot of residential pool upkeep work to me. Gonna have a sit down with the head guy of the health department sometime next week to get some pointers from him (he is also really pumped about the company and said he wants to do all he can to help me out).

So all in all things are looking promising at the least. Now if I could find a half decent girl that doesnt have a shitload of baggage/isnt fat/isnt 15 year old then I’ll be golden.

Also, since I got laid off, I can come back to the burgh whenever. Probably gonna come back for New Years so I can party and then try to catch the Steelers v Lions on New Years Day so if anyone can find tickets or wants to try and scalp some with me I’m very much down.

ahhhh mikey your always welcomed back.

just what i would want a super stoner adding chemicals in my several thousand dollar pool. “Woops to much chlorine…hopefully doesn’t burn their skin.” j/k good luck w/ your business. I do some tank maintenance on some tanks that are worth over $100,000, makes me bite my nails sometimes.

good luck to you :slight_smile:

Sounds good man. Sounds like you know some good people down there and have some good connections. Hopefully you do real well for yourself… Working for yourself > Making someone else rich

thats cool they laid you off so you can still get paid.

sounds like a fatheads trip coming up

good luck with the business venture…thats cool they are letting you get unemployment and work on the business

ah yes, freedom…now we can be all up in da cluuub this holiday season. w00t!

good luck to you

nice, i am workingon tickets for the bears game!

the pool I’m in charge of now (or was, I guess) is brand new and cost about 2.5 million.



good luck mang.

Thats great! Good luck w/ the business! :smiley:

yeah, I was in the Health Dept office today picking up some stuff and the asshat pool inspector that gave me shit all summer was in there. He made some cocky ass comment like “so you’re actually gonna do it huh?”. cocksucker. Oh well, motivation to prove people wrong > *

you proved me wrong when you decided to suck a penis upsidedown on a velcro wall.

Congrats on following up on your business plan man. And I suppose the getting layed-off thing works well for you right now! Hmm, free time, money still coming in, hmmm… Killa Kali trip?


actually, from what ive been reading about the MD unemplyment laws, it looks like I might be getting like $200 a week instead of $300. Im gonna have to find somewhere to work under the table.