state of the union

phi sigs are the coolest guys ever!

I really like this board more and more each day, even though there are some gags on here thete are a lot of cool people too… i feel kina bad that i have not written one of these in a while so i might be a lil rusty

ok to start, hybrid guys rock my box but JJ;s is coming up on their tals. these guys always help me out and i am forever in debt to them. darkstsa is my listtle brother and a big homo but i am flad he is doing good for him self. ps you the fraternity money. orangess is the biggest cock goblin i have ever met in my life. blackws2 sucks my ass too. qknes is my facorite noob in a while. his graphics own! to all my bowling buddys, yeah it was fun but you should ahve stayed with me and dappy and chad. it was better. i wish hybrid eric would come back on, i miss him the most out off everyone that left. i hope that he reads this and realizes he is loved by the whitey. i like sailors, 1230 and rustys partys. i have fun there. those guys are cool and me and sailors beer runs own all beer runs.

to thie end i dedicate my life to the pittspeed of all! good night i have to work in thge morning!


PS… we will be doing it large for christmas. and i can;t wait to give out the awards!! hehehe :crying:

also i beat bobby311 tonite!

i win

pps 7870 unique users came to pittspeed last month… that is fucking amazing…

okay whitey was not at Tequilla willies tonight, hes having a much better time than I!!! Whitey what is your secret? do you carry the intraweb with you on you phone? Sheetz rulez, Chad makes bar calls way too late hes a fucking corn hustling naked chick . Naked chikcs on Stern rock the devil and they need raped. ROBO FUCKING SPANKER BITCH!

Saturday ownz Wednesday. Thast is all! NOW GO HOME

Everyone better bring something to the table for christmas or if its like Chads party at NPL Im leaving in like 5

hey my bar calls are worth it…


tear We :love: you too Whitey!!!



Looks like whitey is the kind of drunk that tells everyone how much he loves you hehe…

when we racing?

[QUOTE=whitey] to all my bowling buddys, yeah it was fun but you should ahve stayed with me and dappy and chad. it was better.


when ever ur ready! :moon:

buy me a clutch for my birthday (dec8) then sure :slight_smile:

haha, drunken posting :bigthumb:

my one friend is the same way. little bit of alcohol and he’s already talkin how he loves everyone and wants to end racism. lol

I miss hanging out with all you fucks. :frowning:

we don’t miss you :wink:

you may as well be a philly fag… go hang with ant, and the autorush crew lol
