…playing GTA: San Andreas for X-box.
Finishing flight training was a bitch, took fucking forever, then the XBox froze before I saved it. :mad: :mad: :mad:
I have to start all fucking over. Anyone here good at the flying shit? i’m half-tempted to pay someone to beat it for me.
man, were you drunk? I didn’t find any part of that game challenging. Try playing it again when your not 1/2 asleep.
Blanyer looks like skippy from family ties.
July 23, 2005, 12:03pm
lol. game crashed before you saved it, on a machine that microsoft built? lol. why am I not surprised.
that guy?
could be worse… i could look like you… i’ve seen better looking faces on burn victims.
do you have a book of lame generic jokes that you read before replying. Let me guess, i’m so ugly my mom had to tie a steak around my neck just to get the dog to play with me?
no, i just don’t give you enough thought to bother being witty.
atleast no matter what we say about eachother neither of us is immune to frozen x-boxes while playin GTA, i hate that shit.