Steelers - tonight

Most flags I ever saw in a game! :spank: After I finished the second bottle of wine, it looks like they’re throwin them two at a time… :kekegay:

that fair catch interference rule interpretation was a fuckin gift to the lightning bolts. i can understand where it would apply but in the situation tonight it was wrong.


21 - 16 right now go steelers


i think our biggest improvement this week is the ability to convert 3rd downs, its the reason the pats beat us IMO.

do you think that jerome bettis in the line-up is the reason?



that hit didnt look to good on ben’s knee.

no that did not look good at all… i felt that pain in my knee

jerome is defintiely effective in this game, I am assuming SD practiced their Defense to stop Willie and not so much the bus.

glad i picked him up for fantasy now

yay they won

automatic! reed is awesome

yupo he’s a good kicker.

nice close game for monday night, awesome we pulled out on top

on wtae :wtf:

sally wiggin is now a football analyst? :eek4dance

I understand and agree that its not a fair rule at that particular moment because there was no way that he would be able to recatch that ball after the muff, but the rule states that when the ball is muffed the player MUST be given the opportunity to possess the ball before it becomes grounded (which means it touches the ground, hits an opposing player, or hits a teammate). If he does not, then you have fair catch interference.

You might see a change in that rule, but honestly that is the first time ive ever seen ANYTHIGN like that happen in any game on any level.

Fair? No… But I give the refs credit for standing around and huddling and making the correct call, no matter how fair or not it is.

Oh, and for Ben, I wouldn’t be suprised to see him out for a couple weeks… That looked like it really fuckin hurt.

i agree with you. i think the situation tonight with the fair catch interference would be just about the only exception to that rule. although i personally think the rules should be appended to account for the situation. however i doubt that something like this will happen again in the near future :wink:

the thing about the injury to ben is that it could be something major or something as minor as a hyper extended knee. i do have faith in charlie batch as a start though.

maddox may even be back

i think charlie batch is a better quarterback

They said he’s out a month before the game tonite.

I like Batch more than Maddox too, I agree…

But now what the hell do we do for a backup, resign Brian St. Pierre? :ugh:

is he on our practice squad still?