step inside please

Don’t feel helpless or bad brosef. You have to look at it this way. yes she is the mother of your child and you love her but if she did shit like that she didn’t love or respect you. IDC how long your deployed or where you are or what you’re doing.

Love your kid. Cause he’s your blood she isn’t she is just a chick, everyone is replaceable. Most of them are replaceable with the palm of your hand. Look at it this way, You’re enlisted, probably in the best shape of your life, probably making bank, you’ve got a great kid and now you just got your life back. Go fucking enjoy it, bang everything that walks, buy expensive frivolous things for your self, spoil your kid and be the best parent he has ever had.

Just don’t get him involved in the mess. Treat him like a man and explain to him mommy did something bad and you can’t forgive her and leave it a that. I have been in a what felt like hell situation before two with distance between us. Wasn’t married and didn’t have a kid but at the time I had alot of time on my hands and my mind was my worst enemy.

we’re all pulling for you dude.

Side note: Its funny how society makes dudes out to be the bad link of most relationships but from my personal experiences and a good number of my friends and acquaintances its always the women who are unfaithful and the dudes who are left devastated