step inside please

i should have had you guys fuck up my (ex) friend’s life who my (ex) wife cheated with…

this shit is incredible…this situation sucks and should NEVER happen. no excuses. i feel so bad for nick

… You’re a moderator smarty pants.

I feel bad for Nick. Someone doing something so many Americans, including myself, don’t have the nut to do and this shit happens. I hope all parties involved get what they deserve. Including his soon to be ex.

not over this section… I haz no blue name either FTL

Unfortunately is happens all too frequently on deployment. AVB was telling me that when he was on the Vinson this kind of bad news was an every day occurrence.

It does take two to tango but taking advantage of someone who in a fragile state already because her husband is deployed is one of the lowest things you can do.

As I said previously Nick is not here to defend his own honor and this smug little douche thinks he’s free and clear so lets shake up his world a little bit.

I got a message back and we chatted for a min. I more or less said i over heard this and wanted to know if it was true from a friend of his. He more or less said hes a shady tool and said it sounds like something he would not think twice about doing, and he hopes he gets his ass beat for it.

I say let the dogs loose… I have my own ass to watch with my shop name I carry on my back and all, but Nick is a solid friend of mine and I stand behind my friends in a time of need.

fuck this kid go getum.

yeah this thing is a pretty standard issue shit show. I think they call it the wall of shame or something where dudes put up all the nudes of their cheating girls and the notes and stuff for everyone to see cause they are done with them

RIP :cry:

slowmarro can you add trace to srs?

she needs to request in like u did and ill add her , as long as i get titty pics !!!lol she has seen mine

holy shit.

lets kill him.

I see everybody wants to blame the other guy but truthfully its her fault. She’s the one that made herself available to this guy. Sure he’s a scumbag for fucking a married woman but the truth is she’s a cheating whore that couldve said “no, Im married”.

Same as my soon to be ex-sister inlaw (except the whole military deployment thing).

Thanks guys … It’s beyond hard just feeling helpless so far away :confused:

I think that for the first time we agree on something. It’s her life that needs to get ruined, and I realize that can’t happen yet. I’m just saying.

Dude… I don’t even have words. So sorry man, you obv don’t deserve this.

no doubt. BUT you, nor I know what she was thinking, and thats none of our business. Let Nick deal with his family, his friends can deal with this kid on his behalf. There are so many variables, never the less the kid could also say “Hell no, I am not doing this, that’s disrespectful to your husband, your child, to our country and that motherfucker is a BIG DUDE!!!”. But he didnt.

I agree. If my wife did something like that I wouldnt want anyone but myself to take care of her half. Thats personal business.

that being said, Im sure I will run into this chode seeing as I live down the road.

I can’t wait till I get the phone call when he is at club 13 , I love knowing all the bouncers there lol . I’ll handle the physical end of it . Nick saved my ass legaly so I owe him one . That and he is one of my closest friends . Please leave the wife out for nick to deal with and just harrass the shit out of this punk and let him know he fucked up .

Don’t feel helpless or bad brosef. You have to look at it this way. yes she is the mother of your child and you love her but if she did shit like that she didn’t love or respect you. IDC how long your deployed or where you are or what you’re doing.

Love your kid. Cause he’s your blood she isn’t she is just a chick, everyone is replaceable. Most of them are replaceable with the palm of your hand. Look at it this way, You’re enlisted, probably in the best shape of your life, probably making bank, you’ve got a great kid and now you just got your life back. Go fucking enjoy it, bang everything that walks, buy expensive frivolous things for your self, spoil your kid and be the best parent he has ever had.

Just don’t get him involved in the mess. Treat him like a man and explain to him mommy did something bad and you can’t forgive her and leave it a that. I have been in a what felt like hell situation before two with distance between us. Wasn’t married and didn’t have a kid but at the time I had alot of time on my hands and my mind was my worst enemy.

we’re all pulling for you dude.

Side note: Its funny how society makes dudes out to be the bad link of most relationships but from my personal experiences and a good number of my friends and acquaintances its always the women who are unfaithful and the dudes who are left devastated

Thanks … And believe me I know both my wife and him are equally at fault. , none the less , he knew who I am and has met me several times, saw him all the time when Id
Get stuff from the pharmacy , and knew I was leaving. I would personally love to see his life crumble … I’ve been trying to be as mature and keep myself together as much as I can…

I have no doubt my boys here can handle this kid, I will handle my soon to be ex ( talked to jag a couple days ago , papers are being drawn up As I write this

Fuckin a right!!! I’m hoping that the divorce part of everything works out easily and smoothly for you. No matter what you’ll come out on top.