step inside please

I’ve never been big enough to be a fisticuffs guys. So I have found ways to indirectly ruin a persons life with little involvement.

Kinda like the Mafia

Holy shit lol

no offense Ron… but those ideas are so far fetched even I, KrazyKid, think its preposterous!


you are thinking way too far into this. (pot meet kettle right!)

Spam him; his phone, home mail, e-mail, etc… with stuff related to Military and Sex. See if he gets the picture. Also leave a note ShiftHappens somehow on them all so we know or have some proof our efforts are worth it.

We need his address, we already have his cell phone. Then start signing up him for free samples for shit online. Then spread the story across other forums… get the ball rolling down hill and sit back and watch.

^Yeah if you can post his address on here we could sign him up for just crazy shit.

I can’t find it , I have looked but I’m not to savy when it comes to comp shit .

my guess is this is him. Age fits, as does his living distance to work.

Benjamin M Murphy
(518) 399-6013
12 Witbeck Dr
Schenectady, NY 12302-5125
Age: 18-24
Associated: Michael A Murphy, Terri L Murphy, Nicholas R Murphy

Dad is Michael
Mom is Terri
Nicholas must be a brother

All listed at same address


“hello, we are not available now please leave your name and phone number”

should we set some ground rules here or what? Play it smart, or no fucks given?

can someone drive by the CVS and confirm one of the 3 cars maybe?

Free for all

definitely play it smart.

this thread alone is enough to fuck us all and you can find all the posts just by simply going to user statistics and view all users posts

This group may be private but to someone knowing where to look the posts are not

woah really? thats a back door to find them?

you sure you just dont see them becasue you have access to this place???

JOHN, REMOVE ME FROM SRS if you can, and ill test that out to see if I can see into it without access through the user stats link hes talking about. and ill shoot ya a pm to add me back after I test it.

I hope he likes gay magazines and flyers because he’s about to get a butt-load (pun intended). Not the sophisticated “decorate your house” gay shit either but the really depraved stuff.

U can only see em if your s.r authorized. , were secure

ahh ok.

Still protect your ass that forum I was walking about got shut down after we drove a kid to being hospitalized and their parents attacked the site legally for all of our user information

thats what I thought… if you want though, remove me and ill check right now.

So does anyone know if this kid has a g/f or wife we can alert to his activities?

we need more access to his facebook for that

I have one mutual friend with him, I sent him a “do you know this kid” message. ill see what pans out

:rofl if only it really is

Anyway, if this douchebag is trying to be a pharmacist, if you can nab him with some kind of criminal charge he could probably lose any hope of that career field. Especially if you get him with drug making material in his possession. As much as causing harm to this kid is great, it sucks that the girl is such a whore. Hopefully someday she will get what she deserves as well.

LOLing at scenario 4 :rofl :rofl :rofl

old facebook if you message somebody it takes down the privacy block if the respond

if that still works go to info page and print screen