
Yeah you are wrong! Most people call us gayreeks? WTF? That’s the first time I have ever heard of that LOL, maybe some Turks or some uneducacated racist, kkk, white trailerpark trash, Avril Lavigne loving, rednecks way out in some hick towns like let’s say Napanee or something maybe?

As for acient Greece 12,000 B.C. that was like over 12000 years ago LOL. …Over 12000 years ago most people were still making their homes out of mud and stick and living like animals, while the Greeks had already built the Parthenon and had an educated advanced democratic civilazation with the strongest army in the world that had taken over all of Europe, all of Africa and most of Asia up to China.
The chances are that one of your antsestors way, way, way back had lived in a Greek conquered civilization as a civilian or a slave… So if you want to talk about the past there you go, a little history for you.

But I like to talk about the present, the present is that if you go to Greece you will see the hotest women in the world there and the guys there are fucken lucky to have so much hot pussy there and not just Greek but from all over Europe! I will stick to what I wrote before… We’re not the ones hosting gay pride parades and have legalized gay marriage!..Therefore my friend, you live in a gay suportive society, with more gays around you then you think!!! So the next time your at the gym and your taking a shower and you drop the soap, think twice before bending over and picking it up!
… And if you didn’t drive a 240sx I would say you are gay, but gays don’t drive 240’s they drive things like Beetles and mini’s. (no offence to anyone here who might actually drive a beetle or a mini and is straight…I just suggest you sell it and buy something else)… Okay enough time wasted on stupidity.

Peace bro… and enjoy the gay pride parade :wink: