Steve Downie's hit

That’s nice, I played Junior A (North York Rangers) and have 2 GTHL City Championship Rings (Vaughan Panthers). Granted this was a long time ago.

Howevever, head hunting…OK, I can see that, but that is contoversial due to their size and how he was lined up. Mcammond was crouching, Downie was fully erect, when the hit was made. It’s not his fault that the guys head happened to be at the height of his shoulder.

But then again, I am not a fan of the new officiating rules in the NHL. It’s all BS, and not slightly consistent. One of the reasons why I stopped watching hockey for a couple of years.

By the way, on somewhat of a tangent, EuroM3, do you still play? I’ve been wanting to get into a man’s/beer league to get back in shape. Do you know of anything going on? I haven’t hit the ice in about a year, and that was only shinny.