Steve Irwin "crocodile hunter" dead *link*

  1. this video will be on the internet sometime soon…
  2. my cousin got whacked by a sting ray, in the leg… holy fuck his leg swelled up
  3. there is a gonna be a steve irwin marathon… and i can’t wait

His wife doesn’t know yet.

She’s filming a documentary in a jungle, on an island in the pacific.

They won’t be able to tell her, until she gets back. Or unless, they somehow find a way to figure out where she is, and get to her… :gotme:

She knows.

Stainton said Irwin’s American-born wife Terri, from Eugene, Ore., had been informed of his death, and had told their daughter Bindi Sue, 8, and son Bob, who will turn 3 in December.

CNN said she didn’t and was going on about her being filiming in some remote jungle.

oh well. :gotme:


That man was one of the few who stood up for animal rights via education…unlike those peta nuts. Sometimes we all questioned his choices but he did what he loved an thats all there is to it. Ill be hooked to animal planet when that marathon runs and a full cooler of fosters will be drank with one poured out for good ol steve. Rip to Steve “croc hunter” Irwin.

i dont feel like reading the whole thread or the article thing…but it just pisses me off with the irony of his death…this guy wrestles with 15 ft crocs, and plays with the most poisonous (sp?) snakes in the world like they’re legos…but a fucking sting ray…the pancake of the ocean, a gliding piece of paper under water, a relatively slow, calm, 99% of the time harmless animal kills him…

not only that, but 1 out of 100,000 sting ray stings are fatal…and of course, his was right to the heart…fucking gay

RIP dude…:frowning:


this is totally gay. that guy did a TON of work for the wildlife and endangered animals, expecially Koala bears.

he’ll def be missed. this is being felt worldwide.

fun fact: steve said on an inteview once that hes never been bitte by a poisonous snake. he said the worst shit thats hapened was from parrots. and recently a stingray. RIP.

i guess on the news they said there’s only 3 or 4 known deaths…in history…from that sting ray…mother fucker, that just became the newest endangered species as far as i’m concerned…irwin fans on a rampage…

I was just watching an old interview of him on larry king. Seeing him during that interview made me sad.

poor dude :frowning:

I just saw it on the news. Very sad indeed.


You cannot deny his passion for life and animals…RIP Stevie

Found this just now… Tribute to the Croc Hunter!

nice gesture and all…but could they have possibly used a more terrible song? holy crap.

Its the thought that counts :gotme:

yeah, thats how i took it. but i had a really hard time watching it til the end.

Mute is your friend :stuck_out_tongue:

i might just have to invest in his box set now…i know theres one out there, i’ve seen it advertised before…

sad but he had it comming… 87fox and i have been watchin this dude and corwin’s quest for years now and every show we’re routing for the animals to get’em, they push there luck too far, i’m surprised a huge croc didnt get him b4 the stingray… sucks that he left two kids behind…