Still want McDonalds after this?

I don’t think that’s possible. But yea, it’s not good for you either. It’s amazing how much better you feel just from cleaning up your diet.

McFries grow fur within a week if exposed to the elements. This person is a liar.

If you read the comments, the pictures of the fries dont match up. The person re-arranged the fries between pictures, so I can imagine that’s not the original burger. Ive seen fries that got lost under seats, that turned black…

I fully believe the fries, not the bread though.


i love mcdonalds

its BS. Where is the Kaetchup, mustard, pickles and onion that the burger would have on it. Also the burger doesnt look like any mcdonald burger meat i have ever seen that actually looks a little better lol.

All this mcdonalds talk is making me hungry though going to have to eat there for lunch

all the extras were licked off by the OP.

pretty much so this. 2 big macs with fries and im a happy SOB

mcD’s beef = 20-30% meal worm. eat up.

meal worn = 100% protein = WIN :thumbup

mcdonalds disproved this myth by showing that beef is cheaper than meal worm so why would they use it?

The same rumor was spread about EVERY OTHER fast food restaurant… the key word being rumor.


I worked at McDs years ago. I used to throw the cheese and pickles at the ceiling and see how many days they stayed there. Played dodgeball with the tomatoes. Had fights with the brooms. Shot each other with the sauce guns. Smoke pot in the freezer and play place. Give my buddies free food all the time. Eat everything when ever I wanted. Did I mention I was banging the manager? :lol

i. love. mcdonalds.

same here. i block the entrance and exit for oncoming people if there is traffic in new paltz. it’s the least i could do to try and deter people from entering that shithole.


Lmao that is epic win. The food is just beyond horrid. It tastes horrible and does nothing but destroy my poor toilet.


PLENTY MORE if you search around

I don’t know about the food holding up that long, but it is freakin nasty.