Stimulus Payment Schedule - check yours

im fairly sure i got mine already idk how but i checked my bank account today and i had like an extra 600 bucks in it. and its all gone already lol

So you looked at your bank account, are not sure where the $ in it came from so you spent it anyhow??

You overdraft your account often don’t you.

a buddy at work got his yesterday WTF

should get mine on the 16th :frowning: but may get is sooner

not really i was switching some funds around because i finally had enough to buy my car parts and i calculated all my bills that were comin out and i had 600 more than i did when i last checked my bal. so i figured that must be it

Mine showed up yesterday.

they are a week ahead of schedule. it was on the news yestarday

it will buy me half a month worth of gas.

Buying coilovers overnighted form Japan

Where is my fucking stimulus payment!!! No later than May 02… it’s May 01. If it’s not here tomorrow I’m gonna fucking murder someone. I thought they were ahead of schedule!

I’m not doing anything with the money other than putting it into savings. haha.

don’t feel bad mine isnt here yet either.

no payments sent out today, 5 million going out tomorrow

Me neither. Really hope it shows up tomorrow or else I need to go to my savings to cover some bills because I budgeted it in my account by Friday because last 2 of my ssn are 09.

I never got a letter or anything like I’ve heard from some people, but I’m in the bracket. I hope I get it. :frowning:

Well, if we don’t get it, let’s rally down in Washington till we do!

And I mean take our cars, lay out a track and urban rally around the streets of Georgetown. :slight_smile:

OK, not here yet. I’m pissed. I hate being lied to by the gov’t! :tdown:

(like it’s never happened before)

lol its 8am give it a chance!

but mine better show the fuck up too.

The website says it will be transmitted no later than today, so I’ll give it till tomorrow or Monday before I get ultra PO’d. This whole stimulus thing is bullshit anyways! Stupid gov’t trying to give us money to rectify their mistakes… fgts.

My bank opens at 9am…Im gonna call them at 9:01 and look fo mai monei!

I heard that if this doesnt boost the economy enough, their going to do it again!
Thatd be frign nice!

Mines going towards a down payment on a house

or maybe a supercharger for the S2K:snky::headbang::eekdance::snky::headbang:.

Got mine this morning.