STM Custom Aluminum Exhaust

Like double the price expensive

But less weight lol

I figured but i had to ask.

That’s not even a true statement. My dual exit aluminum exhaust is literally half the price of the titek titanium exhaust for the X and it weighs the same…

Who cares.

Clearly not you. Race car talk. See yourself to the door haha


Drive better.

my only expierence with alum was on my turbo SHO. I was in a pinch and used a 1/4" slab of alum to make a exhaust gasket going to the turbo. it melted racing up a hill during a long WOT pull. I can’t imagine heat would be a issue further down stream. The hot side of a turbo can be pretty extreme. I love the idea of weight reduction by the use of alum.

So far so good.

I like RX8’s. Nice exhaust…