STM's New Building on W. Henrietta Road!

STM is now located at 2779 West Henrietta Road in Rochester, NY. This new location will be nothing but good as we are more centralized, right off 390, right down the street from the Thruway and positioned on one of the busiest streets in the city.

Our new free-standing building features:
Huge, beautiful, clean showroom.
Shipping/stock room.
Large, single bay for the AWD dyno.
Four garage bay doors in the back.
Plenty of parking.
Restaurants within walking distance.
Internet connection for customers.
We also have an enclosed car trailer that we can offer as an additional service for customers.

We had an offer we could not refuse fall right into our hands, so for the last week and a half we have been working 9am to 3am getting the shop moved.

We still will not have phones until Monday, and I have to apologize and thank you all for your patience with the move and I promise it will all be worth it!

We are still not fully moved in yet, and as we get more organized and cleaned up, I’ll get more pictures up for you, but I can tell you all this shop trumps the old one a thousand times over!

We’ve all been putting in long hours and I have to say thank you to all you guys and girls who were here with us painting and cleaning and moving especially Austin, Cory, Gleason, Brandon and Carlton- you guys were here everyday all night helping us get it all done right.

So here we are, 2 years and 7 months into STM:

2779 West Henrietta Road
Rochester, NY 14623

congrats, looks like a perfect layout :tup:

Wow, that’s awesome. You guys are growing quick.

Thanks you guys! We have been working our butts off, but it’s pretty nice to be sitting here in my freshly painted office with my shoes off on the new carpet watching the cars go by on W Henrietta road.

Great way to celebrate this year’s Independence Day! :slight_smile:


Very nice.


I’ve never been to STM but it’s amazing to see how much it has grown in the past 2 years.

wow. thats awesome :tup:


simply awesome, congrats.

Thanks again guys! We just picked up an XBox 360 and the guys are tearing up Street Fighter 4!

I’m waiting for them to open up Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe! Bring it on! :spank:

Congrats. Glad to see a business grow his quick.

Nice place. That is a location/area.

Real nice. Congrats!!


Shit, I might have to bring my stick over and throw down.

Glad you guys took my advice :eekdance: John Hu and friends are going down!!!

lol and productivity takes a shit.

Congrats on the new place, it looks awesome.:slight_smile:

congrats :tspry:
