STOLEN: 1999 Honda 400 EX 4 wheeler

If anyone sees my friends 400 ex around please PM me so I can take care of this. It was stolen last night off melrose ave. in South Buffalo. Its right off Abbott rd. It was in the back of my friends red F-150, they fucked his truck up to get it. Just pm me and I will not disclose any of your information. Thanks.

That’s a popular 4-wheeler, any identifying marks, colors, mods, vin #???

Oh yeah, it has red plastics, Black nerf bars, Blue handle bars, black and checker gripper seat cover,silver frame, no rear caliper its pretty much a roach but my friend loved that thing. He would ride that thing by himself all the time. I will try to get a pic of it soon.

edit, nvm you posted more info.

Keep an eye on ebay, people part out quads like crazy on there. Sad part the only real traceable part is the frame. But it does sound pretty recognizable with checker seat and different colors.

Its funny because it was stolen from my friends eBay store. Im pretty sure it wont end up on there.

dirt bike ust got robbed by myhouse last week. some ppl are on a spree right now:tdown: