STOLEN Dark blue 1989 Skyline GTS-T

Mismatched rims, g35 sedan rims on the back. Stolen in front of my house on the west end.
Call me 780-708-1245 or police if you see it.

Car has been recovered, bald rear tires and running on 5 cyl…
Thief was also caught on highway 16x and 60 my uncle spotted it noticed the plate and flagged down a passing rcmp truck, he was out of gas on the bridge. Idiot set my safc to +45% across all rpm.
Cops also found a knapsack packed with weed.
Hopefully the engine isn’t seriously damaged, can’t hear any knocks or anything so i’m hoping its just not getting spark for some reason.

That sucks man. Kinda good it was recovered but bad it was wrecked!!