My mom was telling me that you can get storage plates from the DMV to throw on your car while you’re… storing it. I can’t find anything at all about it on the DMV website. Does anyone know what the hell I have to do to get these, and if they even exist? I’d call, but I don’t want to sound too much like an idiot, so I’d rather know if they exist first.
And if they do, is insurance required? If so, how much do you think it is a year?
Oh yeah, and while we’re on the topic of storage, I need a place where I can store my car, but still have access to work on it. I need to find a garage like in the movie Christine. Oh how wonderful that would be. Lemme know if you know a good priced place. I’m in a pickle with where I can put the Audi.
I don’t think any kind of storage plates exist in this state. You used to be able to take your car off the road and keep your plates on years ago, but they took that away in the 90’s. Probably because so many people drove with no insurance.
If you find that Christine garage, let me know.:lolham: Unfortunately that is probably another dream squashed by insurance companies. Insurance 2, us 0.
I think “Storage Plates” are when you pull the car you are storing in to storage(rear facing the road). Then take the front plate off of the car you are currently driving and put it on the rear of the car you are storing.