strange computer issue

ok i have a very odd computer issue that im having with a newer computer i built less then 1 year ago. The problem is that while im using the computer, say using firefox or something the software being used at that current time seems to lock the screen. Such that I cant click on anything other then that program that is open. So firefox will be open and i can click on everything like file, edit, back, reload, etc etc etc. but if i try to click start or a minimized window it acts like im not clicking anything. The same way things work if a program is running over anohter program and the program ontop is only responsive to the mouse.

to get it to let me do something else such and renable the clicking, i have to ctrl+alt+del and click once on that box, which will place the box into the background, then i click the box that is now an off shade of grey since its in the background which brings it to the foreground, and then i can click everything again. the issue happens about once a day with a variety of apps.

im not sure if i was very clear since the problem is very hard to discribe. anyone have any insight? thanks.

PC specs?

are there other programs chewing up system resources in the background that you may not know about?

Is the system temp ok?

lol sounds like windows (no shit, my computer at work did the same f’ing thing today… wierd).

I honestly don’t know though

maybe memory is starting to go bad? I assume you checked for virii/spyware?

the main specs on the box are 1gig pc2700, amd 64 3700 running on a dfi nf4 sli infinity with nvidia geforce 6800gt pci-exp.

the resources are always running low, actually, it seems to happen with the less im doing. Ive never had it happen while playing bf2 or WoW or anyhing of that nature.

i also have a seperate computer for downloading and shit so this computer stays pretty spyware and virus free

You don’t need to download anything to get spyware. Get Adaware or somethign and scan that computer top to bottom.

i have