Streaming Top Gear

a good place for streaming any shows including top gear not sure if it was posted yet but

and theres lots more like entourage, unsupervised, rescue me and any show you can think of

Plus rep :number1

Anybody catch the new episode of TG US? The one with the muscle cars?

Probably one of my favorite episodes to date from the guys. Very well put together.

Explanation why Episode 3 sucked from Andy Wilman the producer and Jezza

S18-E5 Enjoy!


Here it is.


New TG US episode while its up

Pretty damn good, besides them not having a 500whp ariel atom as they claimed. At best it was their 300whp one. V8 Atom uses a sequential box, comes with aero and has a bronze frame.


S18 E6, Enjoy!


Did anyone else notice that extremely big chested babe next to the TV?


(:06 in segment 3 - left of TV)

Most recent full US episode

I still can’t bring myself to watch the US Top Gear.

Subscribed. i forgot to do so weeks ago. oops.

Let me put it this way.

As of late I enjoy US more than British. It’s at least just as good more times than not.

the TG US ones are grainy as FUCK. i seriously cant watch it it’s that bad.

TG US is fine. I watch both religiously.

The last episode with Dangerous Cars was great.

They have gotten much better lately. I have laughed out loud a more than a few times.

I’m honestly surprised.

Challenges are great, chemistry is better, episodes are unique-ish.

And that’s saying a lot considering some of the best parts of original aren’t there or such: Stig, star in reasonably priced car, the news, testing on their own track IE car reviews with Clarkson drifting all over their own track, etc.

I doubt those things will ever come back or be implemented well, but if they keep at it, I don’t mind.

New episode with Vans over Rockies was very good even with many deficiencies, poorly scripted parts and lack of continuity.

One episode of car darts or another car soccer match I will love the Euro Top Gear above all else once again.

I am very happy the US Version is making strides… Have two things to DVR now…

Uhhh…TG US has a stig. They also do the celebrity thing. They don’t do the news or testing though.