Street Racing Special on A&E

So I was channel surfing before bed last nite and I come across this special on A&E on the Street Racing Life in Toronto. Now the 2 main guys were the King of the Street and the guy thats been around for a while owns a shop and was the former King so he says…:bsflag: if you ask me. Dude aces an Rx-7 which he blows up on the Dyno…an AWD 323, and turbo Miata Anyway so they follow these guys around…they have their meet spot similar to Mighty or Bubble Tea where they meet to get ready to race and ish…Well then they show the KIng of the Street who has 20k into his car at Cayuga Drag Strip…well this King is running a best time of 12.1…now according to this show at the time he was a tenth off fastest Import…this Kings Civic hatch was turobed with the smallet intercooler known to man…I guess this is kind of a pointless post but did anyone else catch this thing…Now I know I dont have a fast car but 12.1 on slicks at the track Come on…and he is unbeatable on the street…it was kind of pathetic

ROAD TRIP TO TORONTO, find the king, beat him…embarrass him, take over his show

LOLOLOLOL, I saw this the other day. That big doofey looking guy with the 323 wanted to race the kid in the turboed civic, and he ran a best of somewhere like 14.5. WTF.

These kids were the biggest losers. Why A&E would follow the kid with the slowest car known to man is beyond me. Then he flips out when they marked his car had nitrous, when he didn’t put it in that day at the track. “I don’t want people knowing I use Nitrous on the streets, it’s like cheating and they don’t like that”

It was good for a laugh.

yep have 1 nyspeeder by one tear this dude apart. take video of all of it and then send it to A&E

FYI…That street racer episode is like 6 years old.

i watched it…i wanted to punch the mazda guy in the mouth…bottom line is that whole show made me sick to my stomach.

Yeah Hella old episode, what was your car like 6 yrs ago? I had a 15 sec RX7.

I did catch that last night too though, although I saw it before I pretty much forgot most of the content. I wonder what that guy did who had the RX7, miata, and 323? He had his own mechanics, shop, and a bunch of cars. Did he own a shop car parts shop or something or just had $ to burn. That was funny when the rotary blew on the dyno, such a nice looking car but everyone blows them up.

well then maybe they should make an updated show and not play the old one…yea he owned a shop. Shit I still own a 15sec car…but i dont claim to be King of the Street either

But like Spencer said, where was the import scene 6 yrs. ago? No where near what it is today. Granted there were faster imports back then, but any TV show is looking to add the “king of the street” element for the drama aspect.

i watched that, and was all psyched up to go out and race and was like ‘hell yeah lets do it!’ and then i looked out my window at the 4" of snow on the ground and almost wanted to cry.

but yeah, that show was kind gay…my thoughts about the mazda guy:

  1. u r way too old to be doin that- unless u own a shop, go get a real job
  2. u have a car that my freggin pickup truck could walk bay and u want to beat a 12 second car- not gonna happen
  3. your first car sucks, u blow up your second car, and u break your 3rd car- GIVE IT UP!!!

what do u expect they are canadians

All this crap just made me realize how much I hate Cayuga

Think about 6yrs ago and what you were driving… then think of what you have now… 12.1 is faster than 99% of this forum still… and if you look at the people who are faster than a 12.1… how many of them were that fast last year? or 6yrs ago?

well like i said…i didnt know it was form 6 years ago…from waht i say i never saw a date mentioned…

I didint see it but sounds funny.

Ha I watched the show HahAA i almost died when he said his RX7 blew up because it was getting too much gas lol

We where the kings back then, so we thought with are soo fast Jettas…:lol:

But hay, atleast we can relate too those times back then… I think the scene back then was much better…

i drove a tempo 6 years ago. i was 16. i got it when my grandma died.

i was 13 6 years ago. i used to ride around in my cousin’s M5 and ocasionalyy my friend’s black 5.0. everyone in the neightborhood had mustangs and camaros and whatever else back then…those were the good days.

I watched the second half of it last night. I laughed my ass off when the RX7 blew up on the dyno. Nobody was surprised or anything. LOL

I agree 12.1 was definitely fast for a daily driver import 6 years ago.