Stuff Magazine...Free!!!

got my first issue of stuff a few days ago

my maxim and FHM ran out about 6 months ago :frowning:

I got FHM and Maxim free from other forums I on with other people posting links. I had both free for 7-8 months now.

wtf it still says 3.90 under the total… and is asking for a card…

cheap bastards, if it doesn’t work

go to eBay and get like 4yrs maxim for $10, that’s how i’ve been getting all my mags for the past 3yrs

and trust me, if you want to take a dump at my house, you have like 12 different to choose from

lol meet at joels :smiley:

quiet you

ya gots mines a couple a days ago.

just got my 2nd issue :tup:

don’t work for me, oh well

I have been getting it free for 2 months now, thanks, great post

I got the August issue 10 days ago…then 3 days later, I got the July issue. lol

ya same here, I remeber stuff being way better a couple years ago though, now they have a ton of lame shit in it and more ghey clothing reviews.

sorry to resurrect this thing from the dead, but I actually did a search and decided to post in here instead of start an entirely new thread…

does anybody know where one may find a crazy deal like this again? Like a stuff/maxim bundle for like 12 bucks a year or something? I’m sick of browsing the same 12 issues from 2006 while I’m on the can. Stuff > Maxim, but I know you guys have the leet hookups… but where??

i dont think stuff is published in the US anymore

stupid GEE-OFF


I have been waiti too. I havent run across free shit in awhile.

dick, you had my hopes up untill I tried to find stuff on that sight, than I looked at the date

LOL, i confess i did too.

+1 I was all excited, until I checked the date.