Anybody else see the U.S. credit rating drop?

No you are most certainly not alone. I agree pretty much 100% with the line of thinking. America is suppose to be a country where somebody can start with nothing, bust their ass and make a comfortable life for themselves or their family. I’ll use myself as an example. I graduated from PSU with 2 bachelors degrees over a year ago and couldn’t find a decent paying job in my field. So I stuck with what I’m good at (mechanic) I currently work at a chevy dealer and make bank for the area I live in, so I bought a triplex and now live for free after rental income. In another 2 years once I can count the extra income for additional financing I’m going to buy another one. Nobody would give me a break so I’m busting my ass 6/7 days a week to make one for myself. I can honestly say 90% of the kids I went to school with aren’t this motivated. My generation is just plain lazy overall and wants shit handed to them.

Unfortunetly there does need to be a general increase in taxes, however there are people stuck working minimum wage jobs that literally can barely pay their bills(especially with gas at $4 a gallon) so any increase in taxes on their salary would literally push them over the edge. I could honestly live without say 2-5% of my paycheck. Would I be happy about it no, but if thats what it takes to keep the country afloat and start reversing the deficit so be it. So realistically their needs to be an increase for everybody making over a certain dollar figure relative to number of people being supported by that number. Does it suck, yes absolutely but sometimes life just sucks and you go on and deal with it.