Stop coddling the rich

I didn’t say it… warren buffet did haha.

i was waiting for someone to post it.


Buffet is a progressive hypocrite. He wants to change the tax system that allowed him to make billions from scratch. While his wealth sits protected in foreign banks and trusts he wants to take away the opportunity he had so others can’t do the same.

I really don’t think hes concerned about losing his wealth…

Well, not at least after he’s dead. His will is set to give 99% off his worth to charity. He says his family can maintain their standard of living for their lives off the remaining 1%.

I’ve read that. To be honest, I didn’t think he was giving his kids any money at all because he wanted them to earn everything.

I don’t think hes a hypocrite at all… I think he did everything in his power to make as much money as possible, but he can recognize the greater good. I mean could you even imagine being that rich. I couldn’t even imagine having a couple hundred thousand dollars.

He is the definition of a self-made man and he is very charitable but why take that opportunity away from others just starting to build their empires by instilling higher taxes. If he wants to donate a huge sum to the government in the form of a gift then more power to him but he should not dictate how much his peers should pay to a bloated and wasteful government.

Did you watch the video or even look at the article? Hes talking about taxes on the super rich…

every rich guy needs an empire.

Yes I’ve read the article, seen the video and heard him on the radio. He’s a progressive and like all of them they want redistribution of wealth and what better place to get the wealth is from the super rich. Since he’s already made his money he’s all for it of course and why would you want to basically punish the rich for being successful? They were always be rich and there will always be poor.

it’s not redistributing the wealth. it’s making sure everyone pays their equal share of taxes.

you should list some facts that counter the points made in the article, instead of posting jibberish.

The top 1% of earners pay 40% of all taxes, I would say that’s more than fair.

nobody is being punished man. he is saying we should TAX the rich accordingly, not give them tax breaks. if they tax the wealthy like they SHOULD, then it will spare the schools and other educational establishments that get thir funding cut due to the current state our country is in.

The country is in trouble due to over spending not under taxing.

ok, and what could we do to make up some ground here…without cutting anything thats necessary…?? OH YEAH! tax the wealthy like you tax everybody else.

never said it was from under taxing either. you seem to be reading in between the lines

The reverse is true as well, there are plenty of places to make cuts without raising taxes. The government needs to be put on a diet not acquire more wealth through taxes.

This figure does not pertain to your argument, it does however illustrate your understanding of the matter.