Stop coddling the rich

and how much wealth does the top 1% own?

The middle class is shrinking. I don’t see why people who aren’t even close to this bracket are concerned about them paying the same tax rate as everyone else.

Correct me if I’m wrong but don’t most super rich make their money from Capital gains?

Isn’t the tax on capital gains only 15%? I pay more than that in tax.

If you are against taxing a self made rich person fairly, why not tax the corporations? They aren’t a person but have as many rights as one it seems. Would you really be upset if Exxon Mobil or Apple made a billion dollar less in net gains?

but if we did that, they would outsource all their jobs to china or india or some other less developed nation. oh wait…

Over the last year and a half Advance Auto Parts outsourced it’s entire phone division over to India, including customer and operations support.

I find it quite hilarious to have a phone picked up by a heavily accent Indian who calls himself “Mike” or “Bob”. Do they just have a list of names on their wall with days of the week associated with them to keep it interesting?

slum lord millionaire.

That figure not only pertains to my argument but it illustrates it as well. We are all taxed too much and that includes the rich. The government has shown consistently that it is irresponsible with our money so why should they get more of it.

If the rich were taxed too much they wouldn’t be rich :ponder

When the rich start becoming poor maybe then they are taxed “too much”

But if the poor are allowed to be taxed and they afford to tax, so can the rich.

Capital gains tax over $250k is around 33%. I don’t think you need to ask how I know.

Murdogg, I wont argue with idiots, therefor I can not reply to you… but I will say…

… The wealthy should pay taxes, as should GE, the Democrats favorite son… but so should some of the 46% or people that pay no taxes.

Maybe its High Time for a 20% Flat Tax…to everyone.

BTW dogg, No hard feelings…you Marxist :))))

Someone smart better do a calculation on that.

If that helps the economy recover then so be it.

ummm… did you just call me fat

No, must have been your wallet :rofl

No hard feelings at all… I just want to know how you would argue with one of the most brilliant investors in the country, who is saying that the super rich need to be taxed more.


Would to.elaborate?

You just seem to have blind faith in someone who just made some smart investing moves. I dont understand how you could think taxing the rich more is a good idea. I agree with Jammer about taxing companies that cut deals with the government in the past to not be taxed, and make everyone pay taxes. Why do you want to tax the rich more? Oh that’s right, because it will benefit you at others expense.

There is A LOT of government waste in this country, and taxing the “rich” will not help anything…it’s a band-aid.

Look at our social programs…welfare, medicaide…they just extended welfare saying that will stimulate job growth…really?

As said before the “rich” pay close to half of the taxes in this country already. You also have to realize that when you tax the “rich” you tax a majority of business filed under LLC’s, etc.

Your over generalizing his point. He released his tax return. He said he grossed 62 mil last year and after deductions paid 6.9 mil in taxes…

#1 he only grossed 62 mil??? really?
#2 He wasnt totally wrong, but he wasnt proposing anything like the Obamanation the Obama administration wants… he was talking billionaires… not $250k and up.

Plus, when I have a fat pay day, I treat alot of people to alot of shit. Man gave 15 Billion to Gates Foundation… he coulda gave it the the Feds toward debt… theres a button for that on the IRS website. Thankfully,he still has choices.

It’s debates like this which is the biggest problem in the country, we stick with the easy choice of doing nothing when something clearly needs to be done.

A wrong choice to learn on is better than doing nothing.

There is a million smart quotes by smart people that describe this situation.

Idiotic congress missed the deadline over debates on which side would be worse to the country yet their procrastination is what hurt is in the end.


one for taxpayers making over $1 million, of whom there are 237,000 in the country, and one for taxpayers making over $10 million, of whom there are only 8,000.

those figures seem VERY small to me.

Just look at pro sports. NFL, NBA, NHL, MLB, Golf, Tennis, Soccer, NASCAR, NHRA, MotoCross, etc.

A majority of those people are in the 1+mill bracket, some I bet in the second bracket. There are at least a few thousand people in those sports making those monies. And not to mention the sponsors and everything tied to them MUST have a few people tied to them making that money too.

The way I see it is running a country isn’t much different, fundamentally, than running a household, just bloated a million fold. If you dont have the money, you dont spend it on frivolous things. Please see NYS paying for heli rides for Cuomo to go home. If you dont have any more rooms and beds, dont have any more kids. If you dont NEED something, dont get it. And best point of all, if you want something you dont have, DONT STEAL IT, WORK HARDER TO ACHIEVE IT.