I mean, I suppose its respectable that he doesn’t want a handout, but cmon, who votes in a way that doesn’t suit them best?
edit: I love how the guy has principles, but then goes on to plumb w/o a license and cheat legit plumbers and claim he works damn hard for his $$ :gay2:
any “republican” who makes under $100,000 a year… LOL…
there was a good article on the BBC a while back trying to explain why this happens… the conclusion was that it’s because they want to be in the same club as the rich people and are too “proud”
my best guess is it’s like the syndrome of people who were kidnapped and feel bad for their captor.
What he is saying is 1. its the principle, taxing only people who make over 250k is socialism and thats not what he wants america to be. and 2. When he has the opportunity to make 250k he doesnt want to have to give it away.
Makes sense to me. and damn, that guy tried to roast him, shit.
Who said ONLY ppl making >250K are the only ones that are gonna be taxed?
IIRC its a 3% proposed increase in that bracket…sure 3% on >250K is a decent amount of money but come on, no one’s gonna be on the streets from it.
When is he gonna be making more than 250K a year, other than at night when he’s dreaming :lol:
you (and joe) are missing the fact the over the last decade the ultra wealthy have had more tax cuts than the poor… obama simply want to return to a more fair rate proportionally… shit, the rich pay less now than they did under reagan.
doesn’t that make more sense?
Oh man…The ignorance. It’s just everywhere today.
Please people, if you have no idea what you are talking about. please don’t talk. You may be influencing people just as ignorant as you.
I’m not debating Obama’s plan, but rather the two sides of the argument portrayed in the youtube vid.
I for one am not a die hard McCain or Obama fan, but I am dissapointed after watching TV today and seeing the one sided reporting and “subliminal” crap on TV. Everybody is just riding Obama’s nuts and no one ever has interviewed him the way that mascot joe the plumber was.
He got smoked
if this goes through, I wonder how many people making $250k-$275k are going to commit some type of tax evasion.
Joe the plumber is a fucking moron.
Every election gets more fucking retarded.
i’m pretty sure even ppl making less do some type of evasion. the trick is not getting caught / not being too greedy about it.