Obama wants to ^ min wage...

to $9.50 an hr :banghead:. This man is CLUELESS!

why you dont want a raise?

lol ill take it :grouphug:

now if you make more you should also go up the same amt to right??

please tell us why this makes him clueless.

because, minimum wage should be a motivational thing, to get a better fucking JOB

Its ok…he can raise minimum wage and continue to drop his income levels everyday for his tax plan.

Biden said it was at 150k now :tup: to staying the course

Im all for it, Even tho I work from home.
I was just talking about how a job making 8$ an hr 40 hrs a week wouldnt pay my home owners taxes let alone any of my other bills, and leave enough money to live.
Its really hard to live off 1000 - 1100 a month (minimum wage).

thats good news for you Jeg!

i cant even pay my morgage with that

you could always move up the ladder.
you dont sell those little shitty nicknacks off the tv do ya?



minimum wage goes up… so does the price of everything. You think fuel prices made your pizza n wings cost a few more bucks? Wait till they have to give every 16 year old kid working there a $2 an hour raise!

same as with every other place… prices will shoot up! Now the person who’s hardly educated but managed to work somewhere for a little bit that’s making $9.50 an hour wants a $2 raise too.

edit: if minimum wage doesnt meet your living standards i have an idea for you… STOP BEING FUCKING LAZY AND GET A REAL JOB

don’t think about it. it’s free money

I hate when minimum wage goes up because i consider myself $XX.XX above minimum wage. That just brings them closer to me and my pay doesnt increase. Fuck that noise yo!


this is why i dont like my work … mu moms work gives them a rais everytime this shit goes up

wat? working a minimum wage job and busting your ass doing something shitty to make the same amount you would on welfare is the farthest thing from lazy.

I think he meant that if they want to make decent money, to go get an education/better job and not settle for mcdonnalds as a career choice :stuck_out_tongue: