Stop coddling the rich

Wow our country muust really be going to shit. Political discussions on shift tend to be few and far between now there’s like four in the last week.

It’s a good thing that we’re all aware of what’s happening in this country because it affects us all whether it’s on a car forum or a political forum.

Not saying its bad at all, open discussion of the stupid wasteful things our government is partaking in is awesome. Just shows more people may actually be opening their eyes a bit wider.

Agree 100%.

Only problem with that is most people don’t understand how the system works and how things get done or don’t get done. Sometimes you’re better off if the uneducated electorate stays home. (See Michelle Bachman’s win at the Ames straw poll for evidence of that.)

Works for congress.

Correct me if in wrong but if the idiots split 50/50 on a decision to raise or lower taxes for example, that means half of them don’t know how this works and they are just guessing just like we do here.

Well fuck, for a six figure salary they get I can do the same thing.

Generally speaking scientists know what they are doing and all agree on theories and that’s why science works.

These idiots clearly don’t. In an argument typically one side is wrong. Why do we have people in there they are “wrong” in their theories. (Not picking aside just logically)

Because it’s not cut and dry. Each and every political party (the big two or not) have their own ideologies and agendas and the people in Congress or any elected office for that matter is elected based on the beliefs of their local constituents.

An example - Pro-choice or Pro-life. There is not one answer to which is the correct one; it stems from a person’s values.

Vlad doesnt get national politics…

In Soviet Russian, politiks get you.

Voting “No” on something isn’t the same as not understanding how the system works. Politics is a giant game of chess that you have to be able to play. For example, Rep. Paul Tonko voted Nay on the debt ceiling bill and will tell you that it’s a disaster and it’s the fault of congressional Republicans. What he doesn’t mention is that his colleague, Sen. Schumer voted in favor of it and President Obama signed it. Now take the flip side: Every Republican presidential candidate has said they would not have signed that bill and claim it is a failure of the President for doing so. What they don’t mention is that it was agreed upon by congressional Republicans and a sizable number of Senate Republicans.

So you see, neither side can really claim to be correct because they both had a hand in it. What I’m saying is that the average voter doesn’t understand that and they tend to fall in line behind whichever side they normally lean towards. The same goes for people complaining that Congress doesn’t do it’s job when they wait until the last minute to act on something. They wait because there is no reason to negotiate until you’ve reached your deadline. There’s no incentive for compromise.

Sometimes when I talk to voters it boggles my mind and I’m happy only 40% make it out to the polls. Unfortunately half of them shouldn’t be voting either.

^ to add to your post the bills that are passed are hundreds, if not, thousands of pages long and lawmakers admit that much of the time they have no idea what the bill actually contains. They just get the jist of what the bill contains from their aides and even they do not fully read the bills as it would take forever and even less would get done.

He thinks he can do everyone’s job better

I think that something needs to get done.

The guys couldn’t even get the debt ceiling raised as it was done many times before them and they mess up our credit rating.

Approval rating for congress is in the teens.

We have plenty of problems and none of them get resolved.

Yeah I’m sorry for my “superiority complex”, they are doing a fantastic job. You’re that part that makes up the teens aren’t ya?

The debt ceiling was raised. It wasn’t the perfect plan, but it was a compromise that got the job done. The credit rating drop wasn’t because of the lack of a plan to raise the debt ceiling, it was because of worries over political instability and whetehr or not the two sides would be able to work with one another in the future.

Congressional approval ratings are ALWAYS low, this is not new. People hate congress, but they love their individual member. That’s why we have a 90+% return rate on reelections.

And how does that fix things?

“Re-elect me I’ll go against the other bad guys but support my promises, even though they won’t get done and you won’t be any better off in the end!”

Political instability is when something routine such as raising the debt ceiling, which has been done 60+ times fails to get done with the current leadership.

But it did get done. The debt ceiling was raised, I’m not sure how you haven’t realized that yet. My point is that we have an electorate who is so shell shocked because of the 24 hour news cycle that they believe the last thing that they hear. That’s why it makes no difference what happens right now, it’s what takes place in October of next year that means something.

And actually, S&P linked their credit drop directly to congressional Republicans unwillingness to look at tax increases as a means of lowering the debt. Not because it didn’t gt done or took too long.

Courtesy of CNBC:

“Buffett a Hypocrite for Seeking Tax on Ultra-Rich” -Laffer

The creator of the Laffer curve called Warren Buffett a hypocrite for urging lawmakers to raise taxes on the super-rich to cut the budget deficit.

“The hypocrisy of Warren Buffett is unfathomable,” Arthur Laffer, chairman of Laffer Associates, told CNBC Thursday, referring to the Berkshire Hathaway [BRKA 104814.00 -3761.00 (-3.46%) ] chairman.

“If he really wanted to make (the tax code) fair, why doesn’t he propose a wealth tax on everyone over $1 billion worth of wealth of 50 percent once and for all,” Laffer said. “That would really work for him, but of course he’s not going to suggest that because he would have to pay that.”

Laffer said most of Buffett’s wealth is in unrealized capital gains. “It’s never seen a tax, and when he gives (the investments) to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, it never will. This is ridiculous,” he said.

The Laffer curve shows the relationship between tax rates and tax revenue. Its creator said that if “you raise tax rates on the rich, all the evidence suggests they pay less in taxes, because they can get lawyers, accountants, deferred-income specialists. They can change the location of their income, the timing of their income, the composition, and the location. They just leave.”

Meanwhile, Laffer said, the “lower-income guys, you raise their taxes and you collect more money, unfortunately. But that’s the way the world works.”

I fail to see where Buffet is a hypocrite in that statement. What Buffet suggests, and what Laffer suggests are two completely different things. One will have a much more dramatic impact than the other (Laffer’s will).

I fail to see the guy you quoted as rebuttal piece.

The article calls Buffet a hypocrite because if the taxes are raised on the rich as he suggests his wealth, which is mostly unrealized capital gains, will never see a tax. It’s easy for him to call for an “ultra-rich tax” because he’s unaffected by the decision. He’s not a dull man, he knows how to protect his wealth as do all rich people which the article also mentions in the final sentence.

This country does not have a revenue (tax) problem it has a spending problem.