Stunt Driving Izuzu Gemini

Pretty damn impressive for econoboxes

I want to know how many of those things got destroyed during the filming of that. lol

Nowhere during that video did I see a “Professional drivers on a closed course” so I am going to assume I can and should do everything I saw in the video with their product.

hahaha, great vid. 2 wheeler on the stairs hahahaha

OMFG sweet find. Haha

well i now know my next car…

I just want to know why I entered the IT field and not the stunt driving field… that is SPECTACULAR!

I will not lie, that made me want one.

rolling endos in your car :pimp:

If they made commercials like that now. They’d have to work overtime making their cars, they’d be sold out with a wait list.

saab’s is more “refined”:

and the azeri bad boys. sooooo bad

double post

i want one now

If I saw a commercial like that, I would buy the car in a second, just for the use of creative marketing and ingenuity. Sick video.

edit Then I would drive like that on the road unless there was a warning in the commercial lol edit

kickass commercial…I know my next car

i feel like i just watched a episode of the nitro circus fom 1980