Stunting in traffic is fun.. You can see where this is going.

The guy in the truck didn’t even try to stop.

Hurt ego, hurt bike, hurt skin… bad day for that guy.

Damn, bad idea on his part…seemed like he never had control of what he was doing once he started doing a wheelie :idiots

yea you can instantly see his feet come off the pegs when he hits about 11 o’clock. fucking moron.

I hope he got assraped by the police/insurance companies.

technically, the guy in the truck wouldn’t have swerved. there was only about a foot or two of grass then it dropped off the left side, and he would have prolly hit the rider if he swerved the other way.

betcha that guy felt like an ass

im sorry but thats his fault entirely he obviously wasnt to experienced and there was alot of traffic still sucks his bike is completely totaled

no it doesn’t. what sucks is the innocent persons truck, which is most likely totalled (you can see the entire front suspension collapse near the end)

yeah didnt really notice that i was looking more at the bike carnage, thats just a shitty day for the both of them :idiots