Stupid names

An Email from work

This client is looking for the support rep who assisted her. Her name is Gay Rice. She would like a call back.

Today I also had a client named Gaylord, and he insisted on repeating his name repeatedly throughout our conversation; needless to say I could barely contain the laughter.

other than Cornelious, I have nothing on your funny names…

^an old black guy I was talking to at a toronto courthouse waiting to file documents…

There used to be an asian teacher at my old high school named Harry Sac

no lie.

Haha, there was an old white teacher at my old school named Harry Pointer.

“MR. Hand, your a dick”


I’ve met a black guy named Midnight before. I lol’d when he introduced himself to me.

There was a guy at my old work named Fuk Kien Tang. His email address was
Dead serious about the first part of it, I’m willing to bet everyone that got an email from him laughed their ass off.

So this guy calls me up one day at work and the conversation went like:

Me: Hello
Caller: What it do?
Me: I’m sorry?
Caller: It’s Maak
Me: What?
Caller: Maak
Me: Listen buddy I think you got the wrong number. click

Man where do these parents come up with these names.


I passed by a towing company’s truck named “Camel Towing” I lol’d and took a pic with my cell phone.

Camel Towing
Black trucks with gold lettering.

Not a person and not really a stupid name, I thought it was classic.

There was a kid in my school named Jesse balz …just imagine if his name were Harry LMAO…or other names imagine the possibilitys haha

O man I wish you asked this when I was at Kodak. I had a freaking list.

spd-dmn got pulled over by a cop called “Officer Lawless”

thought that was pretty awesome.

i know of someone who’s name is “abcd”

honestly wtf kind of name is that

Nice agent , THeres funny teachers with name , like Mrs.Ng with is pronounced Ning

I saw this van with the company name “Therapist’s Choice”… Couldn’t stop laughing…

I saw a van in Barrie that said “The Crack Doctor” on it. Had a cage in the back.

My elementary school librarian’s name was Jing Jing Ding and one of my customers is named Dr. Deathe.

Heh, I like Richard’s the best. All it needs is a FREE CANDY! sticker on the side and you’re set :smiley:

haha ive seen camel towing aswell

god bless them

down here in the niagara region, theres a guy in the phone book whose name is “Harry Dick”

at brock university we also have a Dr. Love

not so much funny, but cool