Stupid Pop-Ups

Well I was looking a a site and the next thing I know I have this security shit on my desktop and pop up now .Isn’t there a way to to start your computer from an earlier date so that shit won’t be on there? or does anybody know of a good program to get rid of it?

screw microsoft…they always screw you. go to google…search lavasoft…get adaware. Or if you really want to be banal and have Windows XP go to start then run and type msconfig then hit enter…first page will display a button that says “launch system restore” do that and select an earlier date…i wouldn’t do it though because it can cause problems

System restore worked microsoft didn’t do shit. Thanks again.

system restore is microsoft… how it didn’t do shit if it fixed it?

ps, the porn makes popups.

the programs that he told me to use from microsoft (like microsoft defender or the updates)didn’t do shit and I know the system restore is microsoft I just forgot how to do it.

ps, I know teh porn=teh pop-ups that isn’t what I was looking at :coughcough: so STFU NoOb

Windows security updates will help prevent against virusi, Defender is a beta spyware scanner/removal tool. True some software will be more effective. Did you run the Defender updates after the install? Clearing out your Internet Explorer temp files and cookies usually does the trick.
The only problem with Windows System Restore is this; if you computer has problems, it backs up those problems along with the restore schedule. Then when you restore the system, not only does it unpack the usual Windows files but the problems as well. Its more of a problem with virusi than spyware but its a possibility. This is why you should disable system restore if you are cleaning your machine of virusi.