Got a computer virus, have a question.

I have a virus that is the type that will keep popping open internet windows and they have notices that i have a virus. The windows are from some company called virus fire or something like that. I was using macafee for a while then it expired and i was ok for a year.

Should I renew with mcafee or is there a better less expensive alternative?

I couldnt figure out how to get rid of the virus on my own so i need a program that will clean it up for me.


Google for and download AVG anti-virus. It’s free Update the program and scan your system. If that doesn’t fix it, report back.

This could be a stupid/wrong answer but I would try resetting your computer to a date before you got the virus. Then add the free avg software.???

Ok so I’ll look for the AVG program. I have no clue how to reset my computer back to a different date. How do I do that and If i do, what are the risks? Would I lose everything after that date?

go to all programs
click on accesories
goto system tools
click on system restore

Everything you saved should be fine

There’s a good chance the trojan is sitting in his system restore files (As most anti-virus software doesn’t check there.)

AVG just came out with a new version. That’s your first bet:

avg ftw

Any real virus these days deletes restore points…and/or embeds itself in files that system restore usually won’t touch(Files critical for proper system operation), if this is so you may be looking at a reformat/reinstallation. But nobody can go any further with there assumptions until you report back so with that said…update us!

Yeah, a system restore, if I recall correctly, rolls back any changed registry settings and installed software without really effecting the kernel files…so, if the malware has infected kernel files (which good malware usually does), a system restore won’t do anything.


Google for and download AVG anti-virus. It’s free Update the program and scan your system. If that doesn’t fix it, report back.

Did the AVG thing and didnt do a system restore and things so far are back to normal. it found 21 virus files and deleted them. It took 2 and a half hours to scan then i clicked a few things and it seemed ok. I’ll see more tonight when i get home. Thanks guys.

Good deal, keep an eye out…i’ve seen some viruses/spyware/malware that appeared to be gone but within a few hours resurfaced.

Push system updates as well, cant hurt. Update to IE 7 as well. I prefer it over IE6 anyday(except for my work machine which it refuses to install correctly)


Also, on the maintenance side of things how often do you clean out your temp files, defrag, etc?

Push system updates as well, cant hurt. Update to IE 7 as well. I prefer it over IE6 anyday(except for my work machine which it refuses to install correctly)

Excellent advice. Install all available MS security updates…vulnerability driven viruses/worms can’t infect vulnerabilities that have been patched. Plus, the MS “Monthly Malware Removal Kit” actually does work for particular popular worms/DDoS clients/ect…

Sounds like you have spyware or malware. Webroot Spysweeper can be had for $19.99. Also use FireFox as your browser, you will never go back to IE. My $.02. - Brett

There are better, free alternatives.

stay on topic, i didnt come in here to start a browser war.

That is on topic…half of the malware problem STARTS in IE…too many holes in security.

Actually IE7 isn’t all that bad, and recently hackers / etc have been targeting Firefox / Safari.

In fact in the last month, no new security threats for IE7 have been reported however there have been for both Firefox and Safari.