Styrofoam Cup Battle on Capital Hill!

This is just plain dumb, lol;

House Democrats continued their protest of the use of Styrofoam cups at Capitol Hill cafeterias, penning a letter to Republican leadership demanding the removal of the disposable coffee cups…

… The Styrofoam cups reappeared on Capitol Hill last week, after Rep. Dan Lungren (R., Calif.), chairman of the House Administration Committee, ended the House’s three-year compost program, which included using biodegradable coffee cups in House eateries. The compost program cost taxpayers $475,000 a year, and produced negligible energy savings because of electricity used in pulping and shipping the compost off to a special facility, Mr. Lungren said…

… “The desire to save a few pennies should never come at the expense of jeopardizing staff, members and visitors’ health,” the lawmakers, led by Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D., Ore.), write. “There are significant health and environmental risks associated with Styrofoam, as well as additional costs associated with increased waste removal.”

It’s the US Congress for christ’s sake, is it really too much effort for them all to have a mug and have some staffer wash it?

the rent is too damn high

why are these people wasting their time with crap like this?