Subaru Drivers are cunning...

Authorities have sent 37 speeding tickets to Dave Vontesmar, claiming he’d been captured each time by speed camera. Dave denies he’s at fault, saying he doesn’t resemble the monkey driver portrayed in camera images. Police claim to have done surveillance on Vontesmar and observed him putting on a monkey mask before hitting the Arizona street, proving without a shadow of a doubt he’s at the helm of the distinctive Subaru, thus the issuance of the many, many tickets. Faced with the evidence, Vontesmar responded, “Not one of them there is a picture where you can identify the driver, the ball’s in their court. I sent back all these ones I got with a copy of my drivers license, and said, ‘It’s not me. I’m not paying them.’” Ballsy. It seems to us the police have a case for one of the traffic tickets, if it were issued on the day of their surveillance operation, but all of them? While this might seem like a technicality, one is innocent until proven guilty, even in traffic court, and unless police can prove it was Vontesmar who donned the mask every single time, it seems he’s got a point. Maybe instead of relying on unrepresented tax collection systems speed cameras, police should, you know, pull people over and alleviate that burden of proof. [Pheonix News]

LOL I am not sure how I would react if I pulled up next to that guy.




I vote for title change though…

Subaru drivers are bananas!


Honestly when I saw the pic only, before I read the article…I thought bank robber w/mask, but in a very distinct car. And read the title as sarcasm.

But now its even better after reading.

In other words I would probably be suspicious if he pulled up next to me.

Lol. thats pretty cool… but 37 times… unreal

My suby came stock with the mask…

^lol mine didnt :frowning:

paging nitroinsane

ballsy to do it in a car thats stickered like that.

now if it was a plain jane car he could easily argue that someone has a fake plate on their similar car.

so they SAW him do it once, so yea they sorta have a case for that one ticket IF they have pics / vids of him putting the mask on, but the rest he can easily claim he loans the car out alot and the mask is always in the back seat.

kinda hard to disprove that story

thats hilarious!

thats gotta be driving the cops ape-shit

Love it.

That mask is priceless :lol:

how long before they suspend his license and give him jail time for not paying the fines or was it already dismissed in court?


wonder how much he’ll have to pay.