Subaru Drivers are cunning...

I heard a similar story on the radio, but that it was $6500 in red light cameras. wierd.

Top gear does something similar in Japan



its still a bit risky with the car decorated like that.

i do love it though lol.

he needs some different masks to shake things up a bit.


he needs to get other drivers wear the same mask and get some tickets in his car… then he’ll win in court because they won’t be able to prove which ones were him.

I would have worn a pig mask but that’s just me. :smiley:

i would have worn a bill clinton mask lol.


LOL @ bucktooth racing

:bigclap: to that guy.

reminds me of when i used to drive around w/ my helmet on for shits and giggles…pull up to a light, feel the stares coming my way, so i quick look at them and they do the little “ahh” flinch and look away haha. good stuff.

30 posts in this thread and not a single ‘trunk monkey’ reference?


just awesome.

ITs a good plan. My uncle is a retired cop and he has always told me. If you give them a doubt they cant prove anything, and you are innocent. I was pulled over by a cop for driving on a suspended license. He stoped hard behind my car and ran my plate. The followed me onto my street and into my driveway. He then asked if this was my car and if I was the owner. Knowing I had done nothing wrong I said yes. He then proceded to cuff me and take me to the station.

After sitting ofr a bit and being bailed out, I was issued my tickets. First for driving on a suspended license, and the second for tints. <- I didnt have tints at the time. He had no reason to know that I was driving the vehicle and had no reason to pull me over. An officer cant just run your plate because the persone driving the car may be different than the owner.

I showed the court my reciept for removing my tints and the case was dismissed and the officer was put on probation for unethical practices.

+1 for me.

This isn’t true. An officer can run your plates and pull you over based on that. It’s happened to me before. I’ve had my car searched for drugs and weapons because it was in my dad’s name and he is in a motorcycle club. Neat, huh?