Subaru> NYPD

35r’d subaru helps get a cop unstuck from the snow

whats up with the back tire not really spinning

must have left traction control on possibly?

haha nice work!

i’ll give ya my phone number, if ya ever get pulled over…call me.


haha thats great

He didn’t even take it easy lol.

Traction control didn’t come on subaru’s until they started making pussy cars from 08 on.

tis true:rofl

thats awesome as fuckk

but my car is heavier/less powered than yours but i still got a better time at he track :ponder

Cool story bro. You got the same trap and you beat me by less than .1 seconds. What wasyour 60 ft? Try rowing through 5 gears within a 1/4 mile. The 6spd has the advantage in the corners, not straight line. Take your abs fuse out and come auto x with me.

P.S. 40 roll, lets go :thumbup

RELAAAAX just busting balls. i dont really care if my car is pussy. oh well

No, race you fuckers

yea lemme twostep rev limter my way outta that one…

nice :slight_smile:

WRX’s have an open rear diff. STi’s have LSD.


scubydoo doin work.

Wish I took some pics of me pulling that A4 out of the ditch on Charlton Road last winter with my scoob.

Wasn’t there a video of another stupidroo pulling a truck up a hill last year.?