subie owners i need some questions answered

i’ve been drivine the g-parents 97 impreza 2.2 for awhile now and everytime i overdrive the car( on the highway doing around 80 mph) it starts to smoke. but never leaves any spots of oil when i stop. and it looks to be right above the exhaust part thats under the transmission. i can’t figur it out . so i was just wondering if anyone has had a problem like this in the past with an ej22 motor or any subie boxer motor. thanks.

is it blue or white smoke?

whatever is leaking could be hitting the exhaust and burning off before it hits the ground

go the speed limit,promblem fixed!!

u may have blow by,check the pcv hoses!

white smoke . and i don’t speed . i just go with the flow of traffic . where are the pcv valves on the ej22 cuz i have no clue .

white is coolant

take your hood off and drive with someone sitting on the engine at 80+mph so they can see where it is smoking from.

You need to get down in the engine and see exactly where it is coming from. I have had to do this and it is a PITA, but that’s the only real way to find out.

x2 ^^ i was the one on the engine PITA but we found it

thanks i’ll do that the hood off with my buddy watchin the motor i mean. i just need some tow straps.

i have a few i can let u borrow

well i don’t really have to worry about the engine leakin or smoking cuz i rear ended my girls explorer. so if anyone has seen a 96 - 98 subie imperza at a junkyard lemme know . i think i need a new steering wheel too my head broke it .thanks anyway