anyone know the scoop?
NYSpeed wins?
chino wins
Jebus the search feature is slow now.
Moral… WNY is a small place to be pissing off an even smaller enthusiasts crowd.
Wow that is a surprise.
moral of the story is put my fucking nuts on
70 for front and 70 for rear. No wonder they went out of business
No big surprise, they’ve pissed off alot (considering the small size of the demographic) of people.
hmmm Im wondering if hes selling his rhd celica gt 2000 for cheap then.
That is prime location hhhmmm…
dooooo it Joe. Then i can come in after you slap stickers on the nyspeed pos’s.
that reminds me, im gonna need to get the mustang inspected. Joe - you back to work yet?
I enjoy failing inspections to much to let people pass.Btw were up and running with inspections again finally.I am not back yet.I find out tomorrow when. pm sent nikuk.
Just to let you guys know, Russ Licata of Licata’s (across from Swerve) bought them out. GO RUSSTICUFFS!!
HAHA awesome… F suburban…
No shit? Russ is a total straight-shooter, standup guy. Runs his shop well, it’s clean, the work is always first-rate. Licata’s does ALL of our alignments, from A4’s, all the way to some of the real crazy stuff we work on. No issues, ever.
And he has a pretty sick '03 Cobra convert.
Wow, big ballin.