Suggestion for new section under Classifieds...

Since we’ll be getting sponsors and such, we should have a section under
the Classifieds section for “Sponsor Deals”. This would allow members
to see what deals are offered by our sponsors.

This would also include limited-time promotional deals and the like.

good idea, but maybe we should set that section in the members forum, seeign how only members will be eligibale for group buys and sponsor discounts?


While we’re on the topic, it might be an idea to split the Classified section into “Automotive” and “Other”

$0.02 8)

we should have the sponsor deals posted so non members see what they are missing out on… the idea is that you will have to present your member card to get the deals…

And how do we get these members cards? Is this in the works at the
moment? Should we start another thread regarding the membership card

No, it’s in the workx.


I think we should try to limit the Classified Section to automotive only.