Suggestion on My Rear End....[Photoshopped]

^ nice signature.

dont do it!

please tell me you don’t have fucking lambo doors.

if you do = ban.

the transformer indeed has lambos

Think we could get some pics of the whole car?

lol. Please don’t tell me your fucking Lotus is still NA.

If so = ban.

I don’t like it. I don’t like the Impalas that do that either. I think it’s gay.

Maybe with some type of rear end Mustang badge…

too much blank space, in both cases. (painted silver and black)

i have no clue why that’s so funny to me

maybe cause that car got pwned so hard :slight_smile:


i am still working on a good fueling option…

yo newman was your lotus on colonial circle near layafette? last weekend? i seen a lotus didnt know if it was yours. looks good if it is…some lambo on that shit would look hot btw hahah

stock > *

anyone happen to ses that silver vert with the blackrims thats all shaved and has his own DIYheadlights?

pvc pipe 4l

^^^^lol YEa bitach! Home Depot Rules!

Should look like:

You’re welcome

I like the black. Makes the car look meaner. The top photo makes me do a double-take, like I’m looking for something thats missing, looks weird to me.

PLEASE tell me that this isnt the car that was at the paint shop on Starin & Kenmore for the looooongest time.

If it is… :gay3:

If it’s not, DO NOT SHAVE that rear… looks fucking fugly and incredibly flacid.

oh, and vert doors FTL.


i like the black … don’t know if its worth the trouble… but i like it… its different.

Yea… but dont shave the license plate recess… looks very steril or like… a hospital… is that weird?

Icky, icky, icky. D:

It needs something to break it up, like woah.