Just another one of my crazy photoshop threads

I’d like to hear opinions on this. Black hood, roof, hatch. Will have different wheels though, dark spokes with polished lip. What do you think?


I have a half dozen photoshops at home of the same thing if you want me to send them to you. I threw around the idea of going “skunk” for a while last year, but decided not to in the end mostly because the black hatch “rudely” disturbed the lines on the rear of a white car. I still have the paint and everything for it too if you want lol.

Yeah email them to louis19ca@yahoo.com please.

Like I said in previous threads I’ve got a million ideas floating around in my head, this one just happens to be the one that tickles my fancy (eww gay! LOL) at the moment.

Black hood and roof look sweet. Black hatch just messes with the lines of the car I think.

It does look really good, especially with the tail lights. Only thing is, prepare for people to harrass you about it not being CF.

I could understand the CF thing if I just had a black hood, but not if the car was black all the way back.

i was thinking about that as well.

i have no idea how it would look on a red car tho.

you could always try something with the paint at the top of the fenders… like… i dont know try and blend the black into the fender or have some sort of pin stripe… i dont know just an idea?

You should’ve just done it and not told anyone lol. I told Daver in lethbridge then he did it :lol:

just jokes Dave haha

I’ll probably just post the quick chops I did tonight since there’s more than one person interested to see how it looks.

So did Dave in lethbridge do it already? Looking farward to seeing your chops.

I have a black hood, roof and hatch on both my 300zx and my 180sx and it looks awesome.

(the rest of the paint is also black.)LOL :rolleyes:

I like the rood and hood

the hatch is over kill for me

You should try adding a racing stripe down the middle from front to back in the body colour, see what that looks like…it could have potential, might help the hatch flow with the rest of the body, and it would be unique. Try it out, I would like to see how that would look on your chop!!

Someone in California makes cf hatches for s13’s (don’t remember who), but from what I heard, the fitment was sub-par.



I could only find 2, the rest must’ve been deleted :frowning:

i call that look the reverse skunk look, crazy dave also has that on his car.

Is something like this an option?

When I saw the first image I wasn’t sure if I liked the black hatch or not. My ass was firmly planted on the fence.

Good pic reFOCUSing. This image does make the black hatch flow better with the black hood and roof. I am not big on the spoiler so I’d be curious about what it looks like without but otherwise that is a good option if you must have the black hatch.

I think having the center part of the taillights the same color as the body of the car helps.

Now that you mentioned it, yes, I agree. Didn’t really pick up on that in the first image in the thread.

IMO I think this would only look good with silver and black. I don’t like it on a white car and on red it is not much better.